Free talk on Natural Menopause with Caroline Gaskin & Fiona Eadie

Free talk on Natural Menopause with Caroline Gaskin & Fiona Eadie

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Free talk on Natural Menopause with Caroline Gaskin & Fiona Eadie

Free talk on Natural Menopause with Caroline Gaskin & Fiona Eadie

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

What you need to know

When: Tuesday 30th July

Time: 7pm to 8pm

Free talk on Managing Menopause Naturally

This is for you if you are in pre, peri, post menopause or right in the midst of it all, and definitely if you have had a surgical or chemical menopause.

Meet me, Caroline Gaskin & my colleague Fiona Eadie - we're both experienced homeopaths working with all aspects of women's health and offering a natural approach to support you wherever you are on your journey.

Why is menopause such a big deal now?

In the 21st Century we’ve gone from a time in a woman’s life that was hardly whispered about, to a time of thousands of Instagram posts, prime time TV focus and a topic of Government legislation.

There are over 34 symptoms now associated with menopause from aches & anxieties to vaginal dryness but there is a lack of knowledge and limited options available to help manage these uncomfortable and even debilitating health issues.

The conventional option is still only HRT and there is massive confusion amongst women and health professionals about its impact. For instance GP’s aren’t trained to differentiate between depression and the mental & emotional symptoms that we are now seeing associated with menopause.

We feel that women deserve better information and both love to share effective ways to create hormonal harmony.

What can you expect?

  • We'll introduce what we see working for women in our practices
  • We will share the most important pillars of health for a vibrant and resilient transition
  • We will discuss how the natural approach can help alongside other health choices
  • There’ll be time for questions.
  • It will be recorded and shared for you to watch again

Recent course feedback 

I really learned to hear my inner voice, to heal. Thank you!! My biggest change is mood and anxiety

‘A must do course if you think you are peri-menopausal or menopausal’

'My sleep has improved. I fall asleep easily and fall back asleep easier'

‘So much useful information’

About Caroline & Fiona

Caroline is one of the UK’s leading homeopaths and holistic health coaches. She has worked with women for 25 years in dealing with all aspects of the female hormonal cycle and has a practical down to earth approach.

Fiona is a homeopath and nutritionist, passionate about women’s health and based in London. She has a truly holistic approach to menopause advising on diet and lifestyle and provides DUTCH testing to track levels of sex and adrenal hormones.




  • Tuesday, July 30, 2024 7:00 PM
  • Timezone: United Kingdom Time
  • Add to calendar
