Hellfire x Hard Generation

Contact details

Terms and Conditions

By booking tickets, you agree to the terms & conditions and privacy policies set by:

VW Music Ltd Hellfire

In these Terms & Conditions (the “Conditions), (i) “Event” means the event for which You have purchased a ticket; (ii) “the Promoter”, “we”, “us” and “our” means VW Music LTD and any associated promoter(s) of the Event; and (iii) “you” and “your” means you as the ticket holder.

2. Your purchase of a valid ticket and entry into the Event constitutes your acceptance of all of the Conditions laid out below.

3. You must be 18 or over to attend the Event. Unless is otherwise states this. 

4. It is important that you read and take note of the full policy below. No pass-outs, No re-entry, No refunds (subject to clause 5).

5. For the purposes of these Conditions:

a.         ‘major cancellation’ is the cancellation of the Event in full (and not rescheduled).  If only one or more days (but not all days) of the Event are cancelled, you may only be offered a proportionate partial refund;

b.         ‘material alteration’ is a change (other than a rescheduling) which, in the Promoter’s opinion, makes the Event materially different to the Event that ticket purchasers, taken generally, could reasonably expect. In particular, please note that the following are not deemed to be ‘material alterations’: changes to the line-up of the Event; adverse weather conditions; changes to individual members of an act; curtailment of the Event where the majority of the Event is performed in full; and delays to starting the performance of an Event; and

c.          ‘special exception’ is an exception determined by the Promoter in its sole discretion.

6. Refunds are only considered on major cancellation, substantial alteration or by special exception determined by the Promoter in its sole discretion.

7. You must claim your refund within the time frame set out in the announcement made by the Promoter notifying you of the re-scheduled date or that an event has been materially changed. If the Event is cancelled, you must claim your refund within the timeframe set out by the Promoter.

8. A minimum of the proportionate amount of the face value of the ticket will be refunded.

9. Personal arrangements including, but not limited to, travel, subsistence and accommodation relating to the Event which have been arranged by you are at your own risk and the Promoter shall not be liable for any losses incurred from personal arrangements or wasted expenditure beyond the ticket refund.



10. Subject to clause 36 below, the Promoter is unable to accept liability for personal or property damages, losses (including surrendered items), or injuries sustained at the Event.  Any personal property brought to the Event is at your own risk.

11. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the full, advertised billed performances take place, the Promoter reserves the right to change the published bill and/or running times without notification.  This includes, but is not limited to, artists and billed attractions.  Tickets are for the Event and not a specific artist.

12. Tickets are personal revocable licences and shall at all times remain our property and subject to these Conditions.  The Promoter reserves the right to refuse admission.

13. E-Tickets are unique to each attendee and duplicate tickets will be refused. 

14. The Promoter has granted the Police the right to refuse admission to the entire Event site.

15. Upon purchase and receipt of your ticket, please check it carefully as mistakes cannot always be rectified.

15. All ticket holders are responsible for their ticket until it is exchanged for a wristband or scanned on entry. 

17. The Promoter will not issue duplicate tickets for lost or stolen tickets. Keep your ticket safe.

18. If you have obtained your ticket in breach of these Conditions and/or if you breach any of these Conditions then your ticket shall be void, and all rights conferred on you or evidenced by such ticket shall be void. If you seek to gain entry to the Event using a void ticket then we reserve the right to refuse you entry to or evict you from the Event and you may be liable to legal action for trespass. Void tickets are non-refundable.

19. Tickets purchased from unauthorised sources may be rendered invalid and admission refused.

20. Tickets must be valid, presented in full, with stubs and not tampered with (in the event of accidental damage, refer to point of purchase prior to Event).

21. It is prohibited to resell tickets for the Event except where resold using the official resale platform of the official ticket agent you purchased your ticket from, in accordance with the relevant ticket agent’s resale terms and conditions.

22. Tickets cannot be used as part of any marketing, media or sales promotion, whether commercial or non-commercial, without the prior written consent of the Promoter.


23. Please adhere to the door opening and closing times (tickets will not be valid prior to or after these times) 

24. Strictly no illegal substances or objects. Any person suspected of carrying illegal items or carrying out illegal activity may be handed over to the Police, refused entry and/or evicted from the site without a refund.

25. You may be body/bag searched anywhere on site at any time by security and detection dogs. Search is a condition of entry and presence at the Event.

26. The Promoter shall be entitled to confiscate any items which the Promoter considers may be used as weapons, or are otherwise deemed by the Promoter to be dangerous or inappropriate.

27. We may prosecute you if you cause damage to the site, the site infrastructure, or cause harm to any other person at the Event and/or site.

28. No unauthorised filming or sound recording.  Any unauthorised recordings may be confiscated and/or destroyed by the Promoter.

29. Strictly no trading allowed on site without the Promoter’s consent.

30. No unauthorised vehicles will be allowed on site, including but not limited to buses, campervans, or coaches.

31. No animals, other than guide or hearing dogs, are permitted on site.

32. All bags taken into the Event arena must be A4 in size or smaller. Any bags bigger than A4 will be confiscated

33. The Promoter shall be entitled to evict from the Event without refund anyone resisting confiscation of disallowed items or who is otherwise in breach of these Conditions or behaving in a manner which is likely to affect the safety or enjoyment of themselves or other persons at the Event.

34. The organisers reserve the right to implement any restrictions/conditions deemed necessary before and during the Event to ensure the safe management of the festival site.  You must at all times comply with any and all instructions given to you by Event staff and stewards.

35. Please note that by entering the event you give your express consent to being photographed/filmed or sound recorded as part of the audience, and to your name, voice and/or likeness being included within any film, photograph, audio or audio visual recording of the Event to be exploited in any and all media for any purpose at any time throughout the world.  This may include filming by the police or security staff for the security of attendees at the Event or the prevention of crime.

36. Nothing in these Conditions shall exclude any liability of the Promoter for death or personal injury caused by negligence, or for any other type of liability that cannot by law be excluded or limited.

37. These Conditions are governed by English law and any dispute arising out of or in connection with these Conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.


§  Disabled facilities are available. Please contact us in advance of the Event at info@vwmusicc.co.uk if you have any specific access requirements, otherwise it may not be possible to meet your needs.

§  VW Music often hosts events on  green field sites, please be aware of ground conditions.

§  Prolonged exposure to amplified sound may cause permanent hearing damage. Earplugs are available on request. Please ask a member of staff. 

§  Strobe lighting and smoke effects may be used at the Event.

§ VW Music often host outdoor events so you are strongly advised to bring appropriate footwear and clothing, including warm clothing for the night period.

§  Left luggage, locker and cloakroom facilities are available.

§  There are plenty of outlets on site selling food and drink.

§  Official merchandise will be on sale on site.

§  Please do not buy from unlawful street traders.

§  Please respect the residents and enter and leave as quietly as possible.

§  Please keep the streets tidy, use litter bins provided.

§  Smoking is not permitted in enclosed public areas or buildings including arena big tops. This includes e-cigarettes and/or vaping.


§  VW Music Events are strictly 18s and over events unless otherwise stated. 

§  We will be operating and enforcing a strict Challenge 25 policy at the entrances and on all bars.

§  If you can’t provide valid identification when asked, your ticket will be confiscated or your wristband removed and you will be asked to leave the site.

§  The only acceptable forms of ID are –

o An in-date photographic driver’s licence or provisional licence.

o A valid passport (not a photocopy). Out of date passports will NOT be accepted.

o A Proof of Age Standards Scheme Card (showing the PASS hologram) more information on the pass scheme website.

o    An In date Armed Forces Photo ID Card.

o    A national photo identity card issued by country of origin (other than the United Kingdom).

§  If a person is found to be using ID that is not theirs they will be requested to hand that ID over. If they refuse the Police will be asked to attend and their ticket will be confiscated or wristband removed. This may also result in prosecution for both the owner of the identification and the individuals fraudulently attempting to use it.

§  Spot checks will be in operation across the site at all times. Please ensure you keep your identification on you at all times.


Dress for the weather, dress for a festival and dress with attitude!

LIVE IT Group Ltd

LIVE IT is a technology partner providing ticket fulfilment services.
The LIVE IT Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy apply to bookings made using the LIVE IT platform.