By booking tickets, you agree to the terms & conditions and privacy policies set by:
I understand and agree that my participation in this event is conditional upon my agreement to the following:
YOUR IMAGE: By registering for this event you have given permission for Fireride by Fire Ride LTD to use your likeness in the form of photographs and or video footage got promotional and or broadcast purposes without further approval being requested. YOUR DATA is only being used as a Health and Safety control measure.
YOUR PARTICIPATION: By registering for this event, you understand that the participation rules, as advised during the event, must be adhered to at all times. A CE marked cycle helmet must be worn at all times when cycling. Instructions given to you by the Event Staff must be adhered to at all times. The event Directors / Fireride staff decision is final.
YOUR SAFETY: By registering for this event you acknowledge that cycling involves the possibility of serious injury or harm; You understand that SOLE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR PERSONAL SAFETY REMAINS WITH YOU. You are aware that the safety of yourself and other participants MUST BE YOUR PRIMARY CONCERN at all times. You understand it is your responsibility to ensure you are physically and mentally fit to take part in this event. If you suffer from any medical condition and or illness that may affect your fitness or ability to take part in this event, it is your personal choice to tale part and the Organisers accept NO LIABILITY for exacerbating and condition or ill affects you may suffer during or after the event.
EVENT DISCLAIMER: I am aware that this event is being held on third party property andFire Ride LTD cannot be held responsible for actions, accidents or incidents caused by others. I give, a full release and waiver of liability and all claims that I have, or may have in the future, against Fire Ride LTD ability for any loss damage, injury or expense that I may suffer as a result of my participation in any part or parts of this event or my presence at any venue at which they may take place, due to any cause whatsoever including any form of negligence. UNDER 16 YEARS OLD: Riders under the age of 16 years must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
LIVE IT is a technology partner providing ticket fulfilment services.
The LIVE IT Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy apply to bookings made using the LIVE IT platform.