Saturday, November 30, 2024
Teatro Manuel Márquez de León, Todos Santos, Mexico
Saturday, November 30, 2024
Teatro Manuel Márquez de León, Todos Santos, Mexico
Director: Claudia Saint-Luce
México /Ficción/ 2022/85 min
Love and Mathematics is a dark, intriguing comedy that is both a funny satire on the suburban life and midlife crisis of a man who was a pop star, but also a thoughtful, sometimes heartbreaking examination of how far someone can reach out to get a sliver of validation in their life. There are images about the annoying family dog, hellish neighbourhood dinners, and spouses who simply don't understand what their partner is going through. All this creates a biting humor that covers the film. This is a thoughtful and fun examination of this character in search of relevance in his pursuit of his dream as a musician. Driven by brilliant performances and a smart script, the film cuts through suburban life like a biting satire. A current, intimate and sensitive story that subtly balances humor and romance.
Havana Film Festival New York
Goteborg Film Festival
San Francisco Int’l Film Festival
Guadalajara Film Festival
Americana Film Festival
Teatro Manuel Márquez de León
Del Pilar 71, La Cachora, Todos Santos, Baja California Sur, 23300 Mexico